
The world's northernmost Student rocketry team


Ignite UiT is a student rocketry team at the Arctic University of Norway, where students turn bold ideas into reality. We empower future engineers with hands-on experience, designing and building rockets that push boundaries and soar to new heights, proving what passion and teamwork can achieve.


EuRoC 2024

We are beyond excited about our performance at EuRoC 2024. Stallo’s debut flight earned us a top-three spot for flight performance out of 25 teams and 10th place overall.

Spaceport Norway

IgniteUiT members attended Spaceport Norway 2024, connecting with fellow space-focused student organisations as well as people and companies from the industry.

Subscribe to our newsletter

IgniteUiT Insights is our new exclusive newsletter designed to keep you informed about the latest developments, achievements, and news from IgniteUIT. 

Rest assured, we value your time and inbox space. Our updates will come just two to four times a year, each one packed with meaningful content and valuable insights. No spam, just the latest and greatest from IgniteUiT.

our core values

Our goal is to provide students with a place to learn, collaborate, and innovate in the thrilling world of rocketry. We aspire to empower the next generation of space enthusiasts, equipping them with the skills and experiences needed to Ignite their dreams.


  Klokkargårdsbakken 35, 9019 Tromsø, Norway

  +47 41 38 40 06         contact@igniteuit.no

Contact us 

If you have any questions regarding anything or want to get involved in our projects feel free to send us a message.

Support Us

We are a nonprofit organization that relies on the generosity of sponsors and partners to fuel our projects. Whether your business is large or small, if you wish to lend your support, please reach out to us, and we’d be delighted to explore potential collaboration.

Join Us

Want to become a member of our team? Click the button below to apply!